Albert by Colorverse

Posted February 1, 2023 by bethwyrm in Fountain Pens / 2 Comments

The above photo was taken in direct sunlight. Ink is swatched on Clairefontaine 90gsm paper, using a glass dip pen.


Name: Albert

Maker: Colorverse

Color Family: Green

Properties: Shading

Purchased at: The Pen Outpost

What’s in a name?

Colorverse inks are (mostly) named for space exploration-related things. On June 14, 1949, the U.S. launched a rhesus monkey named Albert II. Albert I had an unsuccessful attempt at the same mission. Albert I reached slightly under 40 miles in altitude, but Albert II reached 83 miles. His successful flight was aboard the V2 rocket. However, Albert II did not survive the return journey as his parachute malfunctioned. This ink is named in honor of him.

purple dog paw prints against a light grey background run horizontally left to right; the right side has an illustrated ink bottle spilled on its side


A large swatch of ink showcases the darkest this ink gets, as well as the maximum properties it has (when held at the right angle to show any shimmer or sheen). But what about when you’re writing a letter or notes with it?

You can see the shading in this lime green even from afar.
And a close up of that shading.
Another closeup, just for funsies.

The above was written on Clairefontaine 90gsm paper, using a Kaweco Sport fountain pen with a Medium nib.

Of course, for maximum effect you want to see it in light and in motion. The following video shows the ink swatched on Skylab Letterpress 160gsm cards

purple dog paw prints against a light grey background run horizontally left to right; the right side has an illustrated ink bottle spilled on its side


This ink runs on the dry side, but it’s a fun lime green hue and shades really well. I wouldn’t use it in a F or EF nib, for fear it’d be too light to read, but in a M or larger it works fine. All of Colorverse’s inks are made with plant-based colorants and solvents, which makes me feel better about using them and also means they sometimes have really unique colors…like this one!

Personally, it’s a little too dry for my liking (which adds to that feeling of feedback/scratchy nib when I’m writing and I’m pretty sensitive to that).

*All pics and vid were taken using a Samsung Galaxy S22 and color-adjusted to best reflect the hue of that ink.


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