BuJo Tour – December

Posted December 6, 2021 by bethwyrm in Life Update / 0 Comments

How is 2021 almost over already? Most months in this year are a total blank for me. Maybe because I was so sick for most of it- a state that I hope is behind me. Amazingly (to me, anyway).

Speaking of, I’m in a mad scramble to catch up on YE letters, decorate for the holidays, and send my holiday cards because I’m visiting my family and friends for the last two weeks of December.

I was able to get my TBTBSanta, baby shower, advent calendars for two fountain pen friends, and early Dec birthday gifts finished and sent off in time. Hopefully I can keep that productivity up.

Honestly, thank goodness for STICKII. I didn’t have the mental capacity to doodle anything for my month page, so I just used a sticker set from them.


The theme for my BuJo this month is Winter Cozy…and I might continue that into January because I like this focus on just being comfortable and happy in the cold months.
Nutmeg is a traditional Yuletide spice, associated with luck (like so many), but the concept of drilling a hole in a nutmeg seed, filling it with Mercury, stoppering it, and carrying it around in a green cloth or wearing it as a pendant tickled me.
You bet your buns I’m gonna try making this keto-friendly eggnog this month.
Always nice when the universe says “you’re in a good/right place- enjoy!”

I’m all kinds of eyebrow raised at the 4 of Cups in my future state, though.

Dear Universe: No. No romance, no dating, no sex, no love. We’re done with that BS until we can sort ourselves out, and that’s gonna take years.
So far, so good with sticking to keto. Going off keto for Thanksgiving had immediate consequences, so going back to it was a relief.

I still miss bread and potatoes, though.
I maaaaaaaaay have a sticker problem.

What’re your plans for the December holidays? Any survival tips for the insanity of it being nearly 2022?



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